Thursday, August 26, 2010

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. - Psalm 37:4

*delight - (v) to take great pleasure - to give keen enjoyment - (n) a high degree of gratification - extreme satisfaction

How do we delight ourselves in the Lord?  We must choose to take great pleasure in Him.  Like anything else, we can take note and savor or we can shrug off and belittle.

*keen - intellectually alert - having a characteristic of a quick penetrating mind - extremely sensitive in perception

Keen enjoyment goes hand-in-hand with loving Him with our mind.  We must know - we must observe - we must ponder - we must discover.  And then in our choice to take pleasure in Him, we will find enjoyment in our observations.  The gratification - the satisfaction - comes from Him.  And hope does not disappoint.  When we commit to delighting in the Lord we invite Him to be the desires of our heart.  Then just watch: He will deliver Himself with more wonder and majesty than we would have imagined.

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